01698 862 795 info@simply-interiors.biz

Some Help & Tips
Well folks, here I am for the second Simply Interiors article. For those who are perhaps reading this for the first time, Simply Interiors is a small independent interior design company that specialises in creating new looks for homes, taking care that your new interior is everything you dreamt it would be. A lot of the joy of shopping has been taken out of the experience, by delays in traffic, the often fruitless search for parking and the rush back to the car to retrieve it before your parking ticket runs out. Therefore in setting up business 9 years ago I took the decision that I would go to the clients home so that it would be a more relaxing experience for them, so I arrive in a huge van ( mobile design unit sounds better) that is full of thousands of samples of wallpapers, fabrics, blinds and carpets. How simple could it be?
Enough about me, I’m sure that everyone’s looking for a few tips and new ideas.
By the time you are reading this article spring will have sprung and we will be seeing daffodils and snowdrops peeking through the ground. The dark months of the year are passing and the extended hours of daylight is a welcome addition to our lives again, making us more positive and uplifted.
So what’s peeking though the ground this spring in the interior design industry…well having HAD to spend a few days in Birmingham at Design Interiors( oh! It was hard work, although I doubt if you believe me), lets take a sneak preview of what is the newest and latest products available to keep you one step ahead of this years trends in soft furnishings. Please don’t rush out to find some of these collections, patience is a virtue or so I have been told, some may not be available for a month or two yet.
Thinking about redecorating a children’s bedroom, Take a look at ‘Get Groovy’ collection from Harlequin. A magical collection for trendy kids that, if chosen, correctly will last them for years. Wallpapers and fabrics in a co-ordinated collection. The humorous and quirky printed fabrics depict crazy car races, snakes and ladders with a twist, high jinks at the circus and fantasy fairytale castles. For older kids grungy surfer dudes and funky psychedelic florals How can you resist!
Considering the re-decoration of a lounge or dining room? The Today Interiors stable is running true to form by the launch of La Salle collection. An elegant range of luxurious fabrics incorporating striking panels of bold floral silhouettes and stripes in flock falling on a ground of shot-silk effect taffeta in sumptuous jewel-like colourings. Definitely must be seen to be appreciated. Could be incorporated with Silki to maximise the look.
Another favourite of mine is a collection by Kirkby House called Together. A real mix of traditional and contemporary. Stripes mixed with florals and checks combine to make an outstanding collection..
I could go on for pages and pages telling you about them, I just love all the new collections arriving. All of the above are ordered for anyone that wishes to see them plus dozens more from Casamance, Osborne and Little, Malabar, No-No, Brian Yates and Woods and Watkins to name a few.
I will try and include in my articles, as many photos of new launches that I can get my hands on, just to keep you ahead of the fashion.